
You are welcome to return any new, unopened XERO items purchased. All you have to do is fill out this form or contact us within 90 days of delivery and we will issue you an RMA #. Once when we get the product(s) back they'll be inspected to ensure they're still in new condition. After that we issue you a full refund for what you sent back. If there is an issue with your order that is our fault, we are happy to pay the return shipping costs.
Start Your Return

If you don’t like an item from your order and want to return it simply fill out this form or contact us by phone or email for a return authorization number (RMA #). We will provide you with an RMA# to include with your return. Just write it on the box or the invoice that came with your order.
Ship the product(s) back to us within 90 days of delivery for a full refund. Our return address will be noted in the RMA email. You are responsible for shipping costs unless it is an error on our part. Please make sure that the items being returned are in their original product packaging and in an unused condition. Include your contact info and RMA# inside the package so we can process your refund immediately.